1) Dua Before Takbeeratul Ehram
Before uttering the Takbeeratul Ehraam, it is worthy that he recites the invocation of attention (doa-e-tawajjoh) which, in the narration of Abdullah Ibn Jafar Himyari (received in the tawqee’ of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) is as follows:
Before uttering the Takbeeratul Ehraam, it is worthy that he recites the invocation of attention (doa-e-tawajjoh) which, in the narration of Abdullah Ibn Jafar Himyari (received in the tawqee’ of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) is as follows:
I turn my face towards the One Who has created the heavens and the earth, being upright and submissive, on the nation of Ibrahim and the nation of Muhammad and the guidance of Ameerul Momineen. And I am not of the polytheists. Surely, my prayers, my sacrifice, my life and my death are (only) for Allah, the Lord of the worlds. There is no partner unto Him. And thus have I been commanded. And I am from those who submit. O Allah! Make me from those who submit.
(Al-Ehtejaaj, vol. 2, p.7; Wasaaelush Shia, vol. 6, p.25)
How great it is if somebody utters these words, synchronizes his heart with his tongue, and gives his words a practical shape in its truest sense, really turns his heart towards Allah, and removes all other thoughts from his mind. Yes! How good indeed is the servant who, at any given moment of his life, does not do anything or commit any deed against the wishes of his Master and Lord and even goes to the extent of dying in His cause. If at all he does commit some sin or transgression, he immediately begs Him for forgiveness and seeks His refuge. May Allah make us, and all the friends of the Ahle Bait (a.s.), from those who submit to His wishes and may He not turn His attention away from us even for a moment.
(2) It is recommended that "before Takbiratul Ehram with Niyat of 'Rija'" a person should say this:
O Lord Who are Beneficent! This sinful has come before You and You have ordered the charitable to show indulgence to the sinners. You are Beneficent, and I am a sinner. Bestow Your blessings on Muhammad and his progeny, and pardon my evil acts of which You are aware.
Ya muhsinu qad atakal musiu wa qad amartal muhsina an yatajawaza 'anil musiei antal Muhsinu wa anal Musio bihaqqi Muhammadin wa Ali Muhammadin salli 'ala Muhammadin wa Ali Muhammadin wa tajawaz 'an qabihi ma ta'lamu minni..
One should prepare for he prayers bringing all attention to bear upon them considering ones lowly position and the greatness and glory of ones lord and that one is standing to pray to HIM and to address HIM.Then Avoiding all distractions one must stand in solemnity and humility keeping ones hands on ones thighsabove the knees and one's feet about three fingers to a span of the hand apart and ones sight fixed on the place of prostration.
When one intends to commence recitation of al hamd one may say softly Audhoo billahi minashaitaani rajeem '
3.Supplication in qunoot :
La ilaha illallahul Halimul Karim, La ilaha illallahul 'Aliyyul 'Azim, Subhanallahi Rabbis samawatis sab', wa Rabbil 'arazinas sab', wama fi hinna wama bayna hunna, wa Rabbil 'arshil 'azim, wal hamdu lillahi Rabbil'alamin.
Another Recommended Qunoot :-
Allahuma Inni Asaluka bi Hakki Fatimata wa Abiha wa Ba’liha wa Baniha wa Sirril Mustawdai Fiha an Tusaaali ala Muhammadin wa aali Muhammad. Wa an Taf’al bi Ma Anta Ahlu wa la Taf’al bu Ma Ana Ahlul.”Other Qunoot & Imam Zaman dua in qunoot
(3) While in last Sajdah one should pray to Allah swt and express his wishes, and should recite this supplication:
O You Who are the best from whom people seek their needs, and O You, Who are the best bestower of gifts! Give me and the members of my family sustenance with Your grace. Undoubtedly You possess the greatest grace).
Ya Khayral Mas'ulin wa Ya Khayral Mu'tin, Urzuqni warzuq 'Ayali Min Fazlika Fa Innaka Zulfazlil 'Azim
(4) It is also Mustahab in Tashahud, to place one's hands on one's thighs, with joined fingers, and to look at one's laps, and to say this after tashahhud and salawat:
And accept his intercession* and elevate his rank (referring the Holy Prophet)
Wa taqabbal shafa'atahu warfa' darajatahu
5)In the Rukuu, especially of the last rakaat, after Zikr recite salawaat in this way: “Allahumma Sali Ala Muhammadin wa aali Muhammad wa Taraham ala Aajizna wa Aghisna Bihakkihim.”
Catat Ulasan