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Dhul Hijja

Perawi Syiah Dalam Hadis Sunni???

Titik pandang Syiah telah diikuti oleh banyak ulama Islam terdahulu yang dianggap benar dan dipercaya, dan riwayat mereka tentang hadis Nabi saww dijadikan dasar oleh ulama suni terkemuka
Daftar di bawah ini merupakan di antara ulama Syiah yang Bukhari sandarkan dalam Sahih-nya.  Jika kami tambahkan mereka semua termasuk periwayat dalam Sahih Muslim dan empat Sihah Sittah lain yang mengikuti keyakinan Syiah, maka jumlahnya akan banyak. Untuk menghemat tempat, referensi dimuat dalam bagian judul (kitab) hanya untuk satu hadis dari satu orang – sisanya dapat ditemukan menggunakan indeks atau software hadis.
Pembaca akan menemukan istilah Rafidi  dan di biografi berikutnya. Ulama suni secara umum mendefinisikan seorang Rafidi sebagai seorang Syiah yang secara terbuka mengkritik atau menolak legitimasi khalifah sebelum Imam Ali (as)

1.      Ubaidullah bin Musa Al-’Absi (wafat 213 H)
  • Sahih Bukhari [kitab al-'iman]
  • Sahih Muslim [kitab al-'iman]
  • Sahih al-Tirmidzi [kitab al-salat]
  • Sunan al-Nasa’i [kitab al-sahw]
  • Sunan Abu Dawud [kitab al-taharah]
  • Sunan Ibn Majah [kitab al-muqaddamah]
Pandangan Ulama Sunni terhadap Ubaidullah bin Musa Al-’Absi
“Abu Daud berkata :  Dia seorang Syiah taathadis-hadisnya diterima… Ibnu Mandah berkata: Ahmad bin Hanbal biasa menunjukkan ‘Ubaydullaah pada masyarakat, dan dia sangat dikenal karenaRafd (keberpihakan pada Ali), dan dia tidak mengizinkan siapapun masuk ke rumahnya yang disebut ‘Muawiyah’”. [The Creed of the Imam of Hadits al-Bukhari and of the Great Scholars from whom he narrated (Salafi Publications, UK, 1997), h. 89 dari Al-Dzahabi, Siyar A'lam al-Nubala,9/553-557]
“Orang saleh, salah satu ulama penting Syiah… dipercaya oleh Yahya bin Ma’in, Abu Hatim mengatakan ia diandalkan, dipercaya… al-’Ijli berkata : Dia pemegang otoritas Quran…” [Al-Dzahabi, Tadhkirat al-Huffaz dalam  Ubaidillah bin Musa al-'Absi ]

2.      ‘Abbad bin Ya’qub al-Rawajini (wafat 250 H)
  • Sahih Bukhari  [kitab al-tawhid]
  • Sahih al-Tirmidzi  [kitab al-manaqib]
  • Sunan Ibn Majah  [kitab ma ja' fi al-jana'iz]
Pandangan Ulama Sunni terhadap ’Abbad bin Ya’qub al-Rawajini
Dia seorang Rafidi terpercaya dan hadisnya ada di (Sahih) Bukhari. [Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani, Taqrib al-Tahdhib, dalam Abbad bin Ya'qub al-Rawajani ]
Abu Hatim berkata: Dia seorang syaikh, diandalkan. Ibnu Adi berkata : Dia biasa mencela salaf. Dia ekstrimis Syiah.  Salih bin Muhammad berkata : Dia biasa mencela Utsman. Saya mendengar dia berkata, “Allah lebih adil dari sekedar memasukkan Talhah dan Zubair ke surga setelah membaiat Ali kemudian memeranginya.” Ibnu Hibban berkata: Dia penyeru Rafidi.  Dia meriwayatkan hadis ini…,“Jika engkau melihat Muawiyah di mimbarku, bunuh dia!” [Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani, Tahdhib al-Tahdhib, dalam Abbad binYa'qub al-Rawajani"]
3.      ‘Abdul Malik bin A’yan al-Kufi
  • Sahih al-Bukhari [kitab al-tawhid]
  • Sahih Muslim [kitab al-'iman]
  • Sahih al-Tirmidzi [kitab tafsir al-Qur'an]
  • Sunan al-Nasa’i [kitab al-'iman wa al-nudhur]
  • Sunan Abu Dawud [kitab al-buyu']
  • Sunan Ibn Majah [kitab al-zakah]
Pandangan Ulama Sunni terhadap ‘Abdul Malik bin A’yan al-Kufi
Dia seorang Syiah Rafidi, salah satu orang yang dipertimbangkan. [Abu Ja'far al-'Uqaili, Du'afa al-'Uqayli, dalam Abdul Malik bin A'yan]
Dia seorang Rafidi, dibenarkan (shaduq). [Al-Mizzi, Tahdhib al-Kamal, dalam Abdul Malik b. A'yan"]
Al-’Ijli berkata: Dia berasal dari, seorang Tabi’i (pelanjut), diandalkan.  Sufyan berkata: ’Abdul Malik bin ‘A’yan seorang Syiah yg meriwayatkan pada kami, dia seorang Rafidi bagi kami, orang yg dipertimbangkan. Hamid berkata: Tiga bersaudara itu, ’Abdul Malik, Zurarah, dan Hamran adalah Rawafid. Abu Hatim berkata:  Dia termasuk orang pertama yang memeluk Syiah, dalam posisi penuh kebenaran, memiliki riwayat baik dan tercatat.  [Ibn Hajar al-'Asqalani, Tahdhib al-Tahdhib, dalam Abdul Malik bin A'yan]
4.      Abdul Razaq al-San’ani (wafat 211 H)  
  • Sahih Bukhari  [kitab al-'iman]
  • Sahih Muslim  [kitab al-'iman]
  • Sahih al-Tirmidzi  [kitab al-taharah]
  • Sunan Nasa’i  [kitab al-taharah]
  • Sunan Abi Dawud  [kitab al-taharah]
  • Sunan Ibn Majah  [kitab al-muqaddamah fi al-'iman]
Pandangan Ulama Sunni terhadap ’Abdul Razaq al-San’ani
Ibn ‘Adi berkata :  Mereka (para ulama) tidak melihat masalah dalam hadisnya kecuali mensifatinya dengan Syiah… Dia orang terhormat … dia memuji riwayat ahlulbait Nabi dan mengabaikan yang lain… Mukhlid al-Syu’airi berkata: Saya bersama ‘Abd al-Razzaq ketika seseorang menyebut Mu’awiyah.  ‘Abd al-Razzaq berkata: ‘Jangan cemari majelis kami dengan menyebut keturunan Abu Sufyan!’. [Al-Mizzi, Tahdhib al-Kamal, dlm "'Abd al-Razzaq al-San'ani"]
Ibn ‘Adi meriwayatkan (hadis) dari ‘Abd al-Razzaq…, “Jika engkau melihat Mu’awiyah di mimbarku maka bunuh dia!” [Al-Dzahabi, Mizan al-'I'tidal, dalam "Abdurrazaq al-San'ani"]

5.      ‘Awf bin Abi Jamilah al-’A'rabi (wafat 146 H) 
  • Sahih Bukhari  [kitab al-'iman]
  • Sahih Muslim [kitab al-masajid wa mawadi' al-salat]
  • Sahih al-Tirmidzi [kitab al-salat]
  • Sunan Nasa’i [kitab al-taharah]
  • Sunan Abi Dawud [kitab al-salat]
  • Sunan Ibn Majah [kitab al-salat]
Pandangan Ulama Sunni terhadap ‘Awf bin Abi Jamilah al-’A'rabi
Dia seorang Rafidi tapi diandalkan oleh banyak ulama dan dia seorang Syiah. [Al-Dzahabi, Siyar A'lam al-Nubala, dlm "'Awf bin Abi Jamilah"]
‘Awf seorang Qadari, Syi’i, setan! [Abu Ja'far al-'Uqayli, Du'afa al-'Uqayli, dalam ’Awf bin Abi Jamilah"]
Dia cenderung Syiah. Ibn Ma’in berkata : diandalkan, Al-Nasa’i berkata : Sangat diandalkan. [Al-Mizzi, Tahdhib al-Kamal, dlm ’Awf bin Abi Jamilah]
Mungkinkah Bukhari, Muslim, dan lainnya bersandar pada mereka tanpa tahu keyakinan yang sesungguhnya?
Para ulama ini mengabdikan hidupnya untuk memperoleh dan menyampaikan riwayat dan mempelajari kehidupan penyampai hadis. Di antara mereka memiliki kitab Rijal (ilmu penilaiaan kehandalan periwayat). Meski seleksi mereka dan pemilihan otoritas dan bahan sangat mengindikasikan sudut pandang suni, mereka masih mengandalkan orang Syiah yang dinilai benar. Hal ini terjadi meski fakta bahwa kesyiahan mereka dinilai dengan penolakan!
Mengatakan bahwa Bukhari, Muslim, dan lainnya tidak mengetahui keyakinan periwayat Syiah dapat membuat mereka dianggap tidak kompeten dibidangnya!!

Mengapa mereka tidak bersandar pada periwayat suni saja?
Mungkin mereka tidak sefanatik dan berpikiran sempit seperti beberapa saudara suni kita yang bersikeras mengaitkan keyakinan Syiah dengan tuduhan palsu. Jelas dari biografi tersebut bahwa kritis terhadap beberapa khalifah dan sahabat—berdasarkan bukti sejarah yg tak terbantahkan—dapat ditoleransi oleh ulama suni generasi terdahulu.

Apakah Syiah bersandar pada periwayat suni dalam kitabnya?
Selama periwayat suni tidak dikenal karena kebenciannya pada Ahlul Bait Nabi saww dan dipercaya (adil), dia diterima oleh ahli hadis Syiah.
Faktanya bahwa sebagian besar literature hadis suni akan hilang jika bahan dari periwayat Syiah ditolak. Keyakinan Syiah selalu dan tetap menjadi alternatif dengan bukti terbaik bagi pandangan suni.

sumber: http://www.nurmadinah.com/2011/08/perawi-yang-dikatakan-syiah-namun-diandalkan-oleh-suni/

Metodologi tabligh Wahabi untuk menentang Syiah (2)

 Metodologi tabligh Wahabi untuk menentang Syiah (2)

Tentang Dr. Musa Musawi, Sayed Abu al-Fadhl Burqe’i,

Metodologi tabligh Wahabi untuk menentang Syiah (2)Menyebarkan penentangan Ulama Syiah terhadap mazhab Syiah.

Salah satu jalan baru propaganda Wahabi ialah menyebarkan perkara-perkara yang menentang Syiah daripada ulama Syiah. Dalam 2 – 3 minggu kebelakangan ini, isu ini telah didanai. Andainya anda menonton saluran-saluran Wahabi Safa, Wisal, dan Nur selama satu minggu, anda akan dapati salah satu perkara yang mereka singgung ialah ada di kalangan para ulama Syiah membicarakan perkara yang menentang Syiah. Contohnya seperti apa yang dikatakan sebagai Dr. Musa Musawi, cucu al-Marhum Sayyid Abul Hasan Esfahani, mereka telah banyak mengeluarkan biaya di dalam laman web, satelit dan kitab-kitabnya. Beliau telah menulis kitab yang bernama As-Syiah Wa Al-Tashih. Ayatullah al-Uzma Subhani menukilkan kepada saya dengan berkata, «من خودم از راديو شنيدم كه صدام مي‌گفت: اگر اين 8 سال جنگ ما عليه ايران، هيچ فايده‌اي نداشت جز اين‌كه اين كتاب توسط يك مرجع زاده نوشته شد، براي ما كافي است».  (Saya sendiri mendengar Saddam mengatakan, jikalau perang 8 tahun kita menentang Iran tidak memberi apa-apa faedah, tetapi cukuplah sebuah kitab yang ditulis oleh cucu seorang Marji).

Kitab ini dari awal sampai ke penghujungnya, tidak ada yang lain kecuali menghina dan melampaui batas terhadap Syiah dan tempat-tempat sucinya. Wahabi juga turut membina tugu dari buku daripada Musa Musawi ini. Salah seorang Marji’ Taqlid besar yang mungkin tidak reda kalau saya sebutkan nama beliau di sini, beliau terkenal sebagai seorang yang bersih, taqwa dan wilayah di kalangan penuntut agama. Beliau berkata kepada saya, “Saya tidak akan lupa Musa Musawi ini di Zaman Syah, ia seorang peminum arak, penzina dan pergi ke kelab-kelab malam, bersamanya ialah seorang bintang sinema.” Beliau juga bersama-sama dengan beberapa penari masyhur , memberi cek kepada mereka, lari dari Iran dan ceknya itu adalah cek tendang kemudiannya  tersebar dalam surat khabar. Ada orang memberitahu kepada saya, "Sudah tentu ia tahu memberi wang kepada mereka ini adalah haram, oleh itu cek yang tidak munasabah dikeluarkan. Ia mengatakan, “Beliau dilihat bertemu dengan bekas perdana menteri Syah, dan kepalanya dipakaikan topi, dan ia mengambil sejumlah wang dan melarikan diri”. Sekarang lihatlah golongan Wahabi hari ini mengambil individu seperti ini, dengan menyapurata satu kedudukan dan sekeliling yang ada padanya, mereka telah perkenalkannya sebagai seorang pemikir Syiah di mana ia mengistiharkan ‘Setelah ia tahu Syiah adalah sebuah mazhab yang sesat, ia menulis sebuah buku yang dinamakan Al-Syiah Wa Al-Tashih. Beliau hampir 7, 8 tahun yang lalu di Arab Saudi telah menderita penyakit barah akibat banyak meminum arak. Saya pernah menghubungi beberapa orang bapa saudara dan anak saudaranya di Masyhad, termasuk adik beradiknya di Tehran. Mereka berkata “Kami rasa malu, kami mengadakan majlis untuk merawat aib keluarga kami ini”. 

Sekarang mereka buat boneka daripada Sayed Abu al-Fadhl Burqe’i sambil mewar-warkan beliau sebagai Ayatullah Uzma, kononnya beliau salah seorang ustaz hawzah ilmiyah Qom yang tersohor. Setiap hari rakaman beliau yang menghina symbol-simbol suci Syiah, penghinaan kepada para marji’ besar Syiah dan ejekan terhadap ziarah para Imam berkali ditayangkan berkali-kali dalam Saluran Nur, sementara dalam saluran-saluran Arab ditayangkan bersama sarikata sedangkan sejarah latar belakangnya sangat jelas. Memang benar beliau pernah berada di dalam Hawzah, iaitu di zaman Ayatullah Burujerdi, ia mengajar kitab Rasail dan makasib, dan disebabkan kebiadabannya terhadap Ayatullah Burujerdi di dalam Masjid Imam, penduduk Qom telah merusuh dan menyingkirkannya dari kota Qom. Beliau pergi ke Tehran dan membina masjid Wazir Daftar. Beberapa ketika beliau di sana, beliau masih meneruskan penghinaan dan pengikut Syiah di sana turut menyingkirkannya. Kitab Ibnu Taimiyah sejak dari kurun ke-tujuh sampai sekarang, sudah ada sebuah terjemahan Parsi yang dikarang oleh beliau sendiri. Beberapa tahun lalu kami ke Makkah, ketika kami masuk ke Baitullah Al-Haram, bungkusan jilid yang dimasukkan al-Quran kecil ke dalamnya, saya lihat salah satunya mengandungi terjemahan Minhaj Al-Sunnah Ibnu Taimiyah hasil bekas tangan Abul Fadhl Burqe’i. Ini benar-benar sebuah skandal. Namun beliau mempunyai hampir 70 karya dan buku. Daripada jumlah ini hampir 30 kitab menguntungkan Syiah dan 40 kitab menentang Syiah. Namun menjelang penghujung usia, beliau menyesal di atas kebiadabannya. Namun sesalan tidak lagi berguna:

وَ لَيْسَتِ التَّوْبَةُ لِلَّذِينَ يَعْمَلُونَ السَّيِّئَاتِ حَتَّى إِذَا حَضَرَ أَحَدَهُمُ الْمَوْتُ قَالَ إِنِّي تُبْتُ الْآَنَ وَ لَا الَّذِينَ يَمُوتُونَ وَ هُمْ كُفَّارٌ أُولَئِكَ أَعْتَدْنَا لَهُمْ عَذَابًا أَلِيمًا
سوره نساء/آيه18

“Dan tidak ada gunanya taubat itu kepada orang-orang yang selalu melakukan kejahatan, hingga apabila salah seorang dari mereka hampir mati, berkatalah ia: "Sesungguhnya aku bertaubat sekarang ini," (sedang taubatnya itu sudah terlambat), dan (demikian juga halnya) orang-orang yang mati sedang mereka tetap kafir. Orang-orang yang demikian, Kami telah sediakan bagi mereka azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya”. Surah Al-Nisa ayat 18.

Salah seorang sahabat-sahabat terdekat beliau sendiri, Husaini dan Rajani menukilkan dan menulis, “Beliau meninggal kerana penyakit tersebut. Kami telah pergi menjenguknya dan beliau membaca surat wasiatnya untuk kami dan berkata: Saya seorang Syiah yang percaya keimamahan dan kemaksuman 12 Imam. Dan saya pernah melakukan kesilapan”. Ketika beliau dikeluarkan dari Tehran, beliau pergi ke kampung Kun di kawasan Tehran dan tinggal di rumah anak lelakinya. Beliau berwasiat: “Jikalau pengikut Syiah mengizinkan, pusarakan jenazahku di dalam perkuburan sanak saudara Nabi Syuib (a.s) semoga baginda memberikan syafaat kepadaku dan Allah mengampuniku”. Sekarang kelancangan memerangi Syiah atau merosakkan pemikiran para pemuda adalah dengan memutarkan rakaman ucapan pendek beliau. Namun Uthman Khamis seorang pemuka ekstrim Wahabi dan pemikirannya dikenali ramai, kelancangan beliau telah menguntungkan Syiah dan sudah tentu Syiah dalam akidahnya sangat tegar. Oleh itu mereka terpaksa membawa seorang yang menyebabkan kita rasa tersinggung dan orang itu daripada seorang produktiviti Hawzah yang memperlihatkan penentangannya terhadap Syiah. Mereka perkenalkan satu watak seperti Sayid Abul Fadhl Burqe’i sebagai seorang tokoh Syiah terkemuka di mana beliau dahulunya seorang Syiah dan masuk Sunni. Beginilah cara mereka bercakap. Sekiranya mereka tidak menemukan seorang watak Syiah, mereka pasti menciptanya. Contohnya berbagai kitab yang dicetak di Arab Saudi dengan nama Ayatullah al-Uzma Subhani dan Allamah Askari. Ayatullah al-Uzma Subhani menulis dalam sepucuk surat kepada Dr. Qardawi: Apakah anda tidak punya maklumat bahawa di Arab Saudi dan Emirates, tidak berlalu satu hari melainkan ditulis sebuah risalah atau buku, atau makalah yang menyerang Syiah dan malangnya, ia sentiasa mengulang tuduhan-tuduhan palsu di mana puluhan kali jawapan sudah diberi…, mereka masih tidak cukup dengan ini, buku-buku mengkritik Syiah dengan nama Ulama Syiah telah dicetak dan disebarkan. Sehingga sebuah kitab yang dengan nama orang ini, dan sebuah kitab dengan nama al-Marhum Allamah Askari telah di cetak dan diterbitkan. Kedua-dua mereka ini diperkenalkan seorang muballigh Wahabi dan pengkritik Syiah”. Iaitu mereka tidak menimbul keraguan dengan mengadakan pemuka Syiah selaku pengkritik Syiah. Sehingga seorang saudara kita dari Afghanistan menelefon saya dan berkata, “Di sini mereka telah menulis sebuah kitab yang mengandungi kata-kata anda iaitu Qazwini telah menjadi Ahlusunnah dan menentang Syiah dan risalah-risalah telah mereka sebarkan”. Saya pun berkata, “Jikalau suara Ayatullah al-Uzma Subhani dan Allamah Askari tidak sampai ke seluruh dunia serta terbatas, saya dengan berkat Ahlul Bait (a.s) hadir bergiat dalam dialog Syiah - Wahabi, dan di dalam saluran Al-Mustaqillah, Nur, Salam dan Wilayah tidak sampai seminggu yang lalu saya ada program menentang Wahabi dan mempertahankan Syiah”. Mereka sampai ke tahap ini mencipta perkara Syiah menentang Syiah. Atau seperti buku Lillah Thumma Li Tarikh telah diterjemahkan dengan nama ‘Ahlul Bait membela dirinya’, Arab Saudi telah mencetaknya dengan edaran berjuta naskah dan disebarkan ke seluruh negara-negara Islam. Dalam pertemuan saya dengan salah seorang ulama besar di Qatif di Makkah al-Mukarramah berkata, “Di kawasan Qatif dan Ahsha, buku ini diedarkan kepada pemuda-pemuda Syiah dari sebuah lori. Di mana sahaja mereka lihat orang beratur membeli roti atau selainnya, mereka akan bawa serta mengedarkannya dengan percuma”. Di Kuwait 100 ribu naskah buku ini telah dicetak dan disebarkan kepada orang ramai. Salah seorang ulama terkenal Syiah Kuwait, (bernama) Muhri secara rasmi memberi amaran kepada kerajaan Kuwait, “Jikalau penyebaran buku ini tidak disekat, Kuwait akan menjadi Lubnan ke-dua”. Mereka serta-merta menghalang penyebaran buku tersebut. Penulis buku ini juga adalah yang dikatakan sebagai Ayatullah Sayed Husain Musawi, salah seorang marji’ Syiah terkenal di Najaf. (kandungan buku tersebut) Ia pernah mengajar di sana selama beberapa ketika dan merasa ragu, lantas pergi mendapatkan jawapan daripada Ayatullah al-Uzma al-Khui, Ayatullah al-Uzma Sadr dan lain-lain lagi. Mereka tidak menjawab keraguan dan ia kembali kepada Ahlusunnah dan menjadi Wahabi. Hari ini mereka membina tugu Sayid Husain Musawi dan bukunya dicetak dan diedarkan ke negara-negara Islam dengan berjuta-juta naskah. Walau bagaimana pun banyak kitab telah ditulis untuk menyangkal bukunya. Salah satu buku terbaik ialah dikarang oleh ulama terkenal Saudi yang bernama Syaikh Ali Al Muhsin yang pernah menimba ilmu di Hawzah Ilmiyah Qom.  Kitab ini berjudul ‘Lillah Thumma Lil Haqiqah’. Hampir 15 kitab telah menjawab buku tersebut, dan ada di dalam beberapa laman web.

Di Pakistan, 3 juta pelajar Wahabi direkrut untuk menyebarkan kebudayaan Wahabi.

Di Afghanistan, pada tahun 1383 11 ribu madrasah dibangunkan untuk Wahabi di mana di Afghanistan sahaja ada 70 ribu pelajar Wahabi sedang direkrut.

Sebelum ini, pemimpin pelajar Ahlusunnah atau guru dari kota Timur dan Selatan telah dibawa ke Madinah untuk belajar di Universiti Madinah. Saya berusaha mengenal lebih dekat pembelajaran di sana. Tatkala pemergian mereka (pelajar) ke Arab Saudi menghadapi masalah, Saudi telah membina madrasah di Emirates yang boleh menempatkan 12 ribu pelajar. Beberapa kali pelajar dari Iran, Afghanistan dan Tajikistan dibawa ke Emirates. Wang yang banyak diberi kepada mereka untuk tabligh dan dikirim ke kampung-kampung. Para hadirin sekalian, demikianlah rumusannya.

««« و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته »»»


Ayatullah Husaini Qazwini; Metodologi tabligh Wahabi untuk menentang Syiah (1)

Ayatullah Dr Husaini Qazwini menerangkan tentang sebab-sebab propaganda Wahabi menentang Syiah seperti dalam sebaran am, saluran satelit dan sebagainya, kemunculan Yasser al-Habib, kecenderungan pemuda Wahabi dan Sunni terhadap Syiah, statistik propaganda Wahabi, dan banyak lagi perkara penting tentang gerakan Wahabi di zaman ini.
Ayatullah Husaini Qazwini;
 Metodologi tabligh Wahabi untuk menentang Syiah (1)

Metodologi tabligh Wahabi untuk menentang Syiah (1)

Ayatullah Husaini Qazwini
Metodologi tabligh Wahabi untuk menentang Syiah.
Bertempat di Mushalla Qom, 11/08/1389.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Tajuk perbahasan kita pada hari ini ialah metodologi terbaru propaganda Wahabi.
Jikalau kita ingin katakan tentang pembahasan Wahabi dalam satu ayat, dengan mengamati keupayaan dana dan gerak kerja Wahabi, maka ia merupakan sebuah pusat kebudayaan yang sangat utuh di mana golongan Kristian sekalipun tidak mempunyai pergerakan seperti ini.
Hampir 4 tahun sebelum saya melihat Makkah, salah satu pusat kebudayaan Wahabi bernama رابطة العالم الإسلامية  di mana para hadirin dapat melihatnya ketika masuk ke Makkah dari Madinah, di permulaannya ada sebuah gedung putih yang mereka letakkan papan tertera رابطة العالم الإسلامية, saya sendiri hampir tujuh jam melawat pusat ini dan melihat dengan lebih dekat berbagai bahagian methodologi propaganda, risalah dan percetakan buku yang berbeza. Ringkasnya pusat رابطة العالم الإسلامية sama seperti Pejabat Tablighat Eslami dan Sazman Tablighat Eslami kita. Inilah perbezaan yang ada pada pusat kebudayaan mereka. Namun dalam Sazman Milal Muttahid (PBB), mereka ada anggota rasmi sebagai pemerhati dalam pertubuhan UNESCO dan UNICEF. Salah seorang penyelia mereka berkata, “Belum ada negara yang tidak ada pejabat atau wakil kami”.  Penyelia pusat pengajian mereka, telah mencapai gerakan kebudayaan membantu anak yatim dan golongan miskin, serta membekalkan ubat ke rumah sakit dan lain-lain lagi.
Para hadirin sekalian tahu, methodologi propaganda hari ini sangat jauh bezanya dengan zaman yang lalu. Dahulu tatkala alat cetak telah ditemui, surat kabar dan buku telah digunakan untuk memindahkan budaya ke wilayah yang lain, dan dari generasi ke generasi. Namun hari ini, dengan kebolehan alat moden pada manusia seperti bidang ‘cyber’, internet, satelit dan sms, pihak penentang dan musuh kita menggunakan ruang yang ada ini sebanyak-banyaknya.
Statistik propaganda Wahabi
Dalam statistik yang ada, laman web www.isl.org.uk telah memaklumkan lebih dari 40,000 laman web Wahabi yang asyik bekerja 24 jam menentang Syiah. Memadailah anda merujuk kepada laman web Faisal Nur www.fnoor.com yang diselenggarakan oleh seorang Wahabi di Arab Saudi. Sudah terkenal bahawa penajanya adalah putera mahkota Arab Saudi sekarang iaitu Amir Naif. Dalam laman web ini ada lebih dari 40 ribu judul kitab dan makalah menentang Syiah, dan boleh dikatakan nenek kepada segala laman sesawang Wahabi. Terlalu sedikit laman web Wahabi yang tidak berpaut (link) dengan laman ini atau tidak mengambil subjek-subjek daripadanya. Begitu juga beberapa laman web Parsi seperti Sunni News, Sunni Online dan Islam Teks, sebahagian besarnya menyebarkan bahan-bahan yang lancang dalam menentang Syiah, serta meluaskan penghinaan dan caci maki.
Dalam berita-berita minggu lalu, laporan online menyebut seorang penyelidik Kanada mengistiharkan bahawa satu daripada 2 laman web Islam adalah berkaitan dengan Wahabi sehingga ada yang berselindung dibalik pusat pengajian kebudayaan Ikhwanul Muslimin.
Sebelum hari raya ketika saya bermusafir ke negara German dan Belanda, saya berpeluang menggunakan laman-laman web dari internet teman baik yang membantu saya di sana. Salah satu perkara yang menghairankan saya ialah tentang Imam Mahdi yang dinantikan, ada 1.5 juta laman dalam internet tentang perkara itu. Namun tentang al-Masih yang dinantikan iaitu seorang reformis dan juru selamat mempunyai 18 juta laman dalam internet. Zahirnya mungkin statistik ini kelihatan biasa, namun andainya kita mengamatinya sedikit, nescaya kita akan lihat berapa yang telah mereka gunakan kemudahan, dan berapa yang telah kita gunakannya. Perkara ini dapat dirujuk dalam laman web universiti Amir Kabir سايت دانشگاه امير كبير.
Aktiviviti saluran-saluran satelit.
Sekarang ini, dari 1800 saluran satelit yang aktif di rantau ini, hampir 300 saluran satelit yang diisi dengan acara dan program menentang Ahlul Bait.
Mungkin mendengar perkara ini dianggap biasa, menyatakan statistik liputan dan pendengarnya sangat mudah. Namun anda semua lihatlah apa matlamat mereka dalam masalah propaganda dan kebudayaan? dan apakah matlamat kita? Akhirnya kerja اتحاديه تلويزيون‌هاي اسلامي mampu dilaksanakan, iaitu pada 2 minggu lalu sebelum persidangan di Tehran, mereka telah mengumpulkan 182 radio dan televisyen tempatan.
Dalam beberapa saluran satelit, demi mempertahankan Wilayah dan Tasyayyu’ mereka telah menghentam Ahlusunnah dan menyerang mereka yang biadap terhadap kesucian Ahlul Bait. Hasilnya tidak lain dari fitnah. Kami telah mendengar bahawa dalam kongres Amerika pada tahun 2009 secara rasminya meingistiharkan ia sebagai ‘Tahun Ikhtilaf Sunni dan Syiah’. Untuk ini mereka telah memperuntukkan anggaran yang khusus. Kita tidak lupa di permulaan perang di Iraq, seluruh surat kabar memaklumkan, jika tidak salah saya bertarikh 20 atau 19 Esfand 1384 surat kabar Kayhan menulis, “نظاميان آمريكايي در عراق، يك جوان سيد و معمم نوراني را دستگير كرده بودند كه او، همان مهدي موعود است و مدت‌ها او را در زندان شكنجه مي‌كردند تا اعتراف كند او مهدي است” (Tentera Amerika di Iraq menangkap seorang Sayid dan guru; iaitu Imam Mahdi, mereka menyeksanya di penjara sehingga ia mengaku bahawa dirinya Imam Mahdi) setelah mereka mengetahui ayah dan ibu Imam Mahdi itu mempunyai beberapa tanda. Ayah dan ibu individu ini adalah orang lain, mereka sudah berputus harapan dan berjanji akan melaporkan kepada tentera Amerika jikalau menemui tempat persembunyian Al-Mahdi. Begitu juga Bush, presiden Amerika yang lalu, sebuah lembaga ilmu dibentuk yang terdiri daripada orang Islam dan Kristian, teoretisi Rumah Putih telah diterangkan sehingga mereka melakukan penyelidikan tentang Al-Mahdi Maw’ud dan melaporkannya kepada beliau (presiden). Pernyataan ini turut tersebat dalam laporan berita tempatan, namun tidak diketahui apakah hasilnya.
Tanggal 17 bulan Ramadan tahun ini seorang pelajar jahil dan tidak waras di London melangsungkan hari kewafatan Aisyah dan memberi ucapan yang kasar, tidak benar dan menyalahi sayra’. Perkara ini sampai memancing perhatian para Marji’ Taqlid dan Rahbar sehingga 90 orang ulama besar Syiah di Arab Saudi dan wilayah Timur, Imam Juma’at dan Jemaah, pengetua pusat pengajian ilmiyah mengecamnya. Kecaman ini telah dicetak juga dalam surat khabar yang bernama al-Riyadh. Pergerakan yang mempunyai unsur fitnah seperti ini tidak jauh dari modal-modal Wahabi. Individu seperti ini telah mereka perkenalkan, dan biaya serta kemudahan telah diperuntukkan untuknya supaya ia dapat memberikan uncapan tentang dunia Islam. Setelah bulan Ramadhan, sama waktu dengan penghinaan (Yasser al-Habib) terhadap Ummul Mu’minin Aisyah, hampir 19 saluran satelit Wahabi senada mengadakan program menentang Syiah. Akibatnya sebahagian saluran Wahabi seperti saluran Wisal dan Safa, saya sendiri menonton program-program mereka selama beberapa minit, saluran ini tidak dapat menahan kesabaran, mereka menggunakan kata-kata yang paling buruk untuk mencerca para Marji’ Taqlid, sehingga orang merusuh sekalipun tidak akan melakukan seperti ini. Mereka terlalu biadab menghina makam-makam suci para Imam seperti salah seorang hadirin mengatakan, “ ‘Tidak malu’ pun ada hadnya, namun orang ini tidak malu tanpa had” terutama sekali dalam bulan Ramadan yang penuh keberkatan tahun ini, saluran-saluran al-Mustaqillah, Hafiz, Safa, Nas, al-Rahmah, al-Hikmah, al-Khalijiyah dan al-Sihhah tidak ada lagi segan silu . Namun mereka ini punyai satu konspirasi. Kami tidak tahu apa yang berada di baliknya kerana saluran-saluran ini disiarkan melalui Nil Sat. Minggu lalu, pemerintah Mesir telah menyekat penyiaran saluran ini, seperti saluran Safa dan Wisal, di mana saluran ini lebih tidak malu berbanding saluran-saluran yang lain.
Arab Saudi mengistiharkan dalam hari-hari Haji tahun ini, sebuah saluran radio siaran langsung dalam lapan bahasa sedang dibangunkan supaya sekurang-kurangnya ia dapat diperkenalkan kepada pengerja haji Baitullah al-Haram.
Perkara penting di sini, beberapa laporan dalam laman-laman web iaitu mereka memaklumkan, ‘Saluran satelit Syiah lebih bahaya dari bom nuklear dan atom. Ini disebabkan mereka tahu saluran seperti al-Kawthar, individu seperti Ayatullah Kurani atau Sayed Kamal Haidari ada berbicara di dalamnya. Atau juga saluran Ahlul Bait dan saluran al-Wilayah, bicara-bicaranya seperti bom atom yang meletup, dan pemikiran pemuda Wahabi disedarkan.
Gelombang kesedaran para pemuda Ahlusunnah dan Wahabi, dan cenderungnya mereka ke arah Syiah.
Dengan mengamati informasi yang telah tersebar, saya selalunya dengan segera mencari berita-berita online atau satelit, ataupun berita akan sampai dengan perantara sahabat-sahabat. Saya ingin mengatakan satu ayat, “Dalam kurun ke-15 ini, belum ada lagi kurun yang lalu para pemuda Wahabi dan Ahlusunnah cenderung kepada Syiah seperti kurun sekarang”. Setiap minggu 10, 20 orang atau sebahagian minggu lebih dari 30 orang merujuk kepada saya dan secara rasmi mengsitiharkan mereka mengikut Mazhab Ahlul Bait. Dalam tahun ini saja, beberapa kali para pemuda Kristian datang ke Qom dan tuhan memberi taufiq, mereka telah menjadi Syiah di tangan kami dan pulang.
Dalam hampir 40 hari yang lalu, seorang pemuda berusia 25 tahun datang dari London, seorang pendakwah Bahai. Beliau terpengaruh dengan kata-kata kami dalam satelit dan mengambil keputusan bertaubat, lantas mengikuti mazhab Ahlul Bait dan cenderung kepada Syiah.
Percanggahan kita dengan Ahlulsunnah
Dengan tersebarnya propaganda yang dilakukan Wahabi, di beberapa tempat seringkali menghasilkan keputusan yang terbalik. 
Abu Bashir pernah datang menemui Imam Sadiq dan berkata:
Bagaimana cara kita melayan Ahlusunnah? Imam berkata: Apakah engkau mempunyai Imam dan yakin mengikutinya? ujarnya: Iya. Imam berkata: Saya adalah Imam kamu, dan kamu mengikuti kami, muamalat saya dengan Ahlusunnah adalah seperti ini, andainya mereka sakit saya menziarahi mereka. Jikalau mereka meninggal dunia, saya akan mengikut perarakan jenazah mereka. Sekiranya…
Kerana itu kami mengatakan beberapa kali. Apakah yang bakal terjadi kepada Syiah jikalau para Imam tidak berpesan supaya kita beradab santun dengan Ahlusunnah. Apa yang berlaku jika para marji’ kita tidak melarang kita dari mencerca? 


Ziarah Asyura' dan Ziarah Arba'iin (40) Untuk Imam al-Husain as

 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad wa ali Muhammad wa 'jjil faraja-hum:

Ziarah Asyura’ Dan Ziarah Arba’iin (40) untuk Imam al-Husain as

1.Ziarah Asyura’ pada 10 Muharram adalah ziarah yang besar yang digalakkan di dalam hadis-hadis para imam a.s kerana ia memberi kesan yang sangat mendalam dan cepat  kepada pengunjung-pengujungnya (zuwwaar). Kebanyakan para ulama besar juga menggalakkannya kerana mereka yang mengalami kesusahan, kesedihan dan mereka yang berhajat telah mencapai maksud (hajat) mereka dengan kelebihan membaca doa  ziarah Asyura’. Diriwayatkan bahawa ziarah Asyura adalah sebuah hadis kudsi. Safwan berkata: Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq as berkata: bacalah doa ini dan ziarahilah (Imam al-Husain as) dengannya, sesungguhnya aku sebagai penjamin ke atas Allah bagi setiap pengunjung (zair) dengan ziarah ini. Sama ada ia dilakukan dari dekat atau jauh bahawa ziarahnya diterima dan usahanya akan mendapat ganjaran, salamnya akan sampai kepadanya tanpa halangan, hajatnya dilaksanakan oleh Allah tanpa Dia mengabaikannya. Imam Ja’far as berkata: Wahai Safwan! Aku telah mendapati ziarah ini dijamin dengan jaminan yang sama daripada bapaku dan bapaku daripada bapanya Ali bin al-Husain as dengan jaminan ini daripada al-Husain as dan al-Husain as daripada saudaranya al-Hasan as menjamin dengan jaminan ini daripada bapanya Amir al-Mukminin as menjamin dengan jaminan ini dan Amir al-Mukminin as daripada Rasulullah saw menjamin dengan jaminan ini dan Rasulullah saw daripada Jibrail as menjamin jaminan ini dan Jibrail as daripada Allah menjamin dengan jaminan ini bahawa sesiapa yang menziarahi al-Husain as dengan ziarah ini sama ada dari dekat atau jauh dan berdoa dengan doa ziarah ini, maka Aku menerima ziarahnya dan Aku memberi  syafaat kepadanya dalam masalahnya, kemudian dia tidak akan merasa hampa daripadaKu. Aku akan menukarnya menjadi gembira dengan menunaikan hajatnya, mendapat kemenangan di syurga dan terselamat daripada api neraka. Aku akan memberi syafaat kepada setiap orang yang melakukannya melainkan kepada penentang kami Ahlulbait ….(lihat Mafaatiih al-Jinan dan al-Istisyfaa’ bi Ahlil Bait as)).
2.Manfaat ziarah Asyura’:
1. Ziarah Asyura’ dan pembayaran hutang.
2.Ziarah Asyura’ dan kelahiran cahaya mata
3. Ziarah Asyura’ dan pengetahuan tentang perkara-perkara yang ghaib dengan izinNya.
4. Ziarah Asyura, dan penyembuhan daripada penyakit.
5. Ziarah Asyura, dan penyelesain masalah.
6. Ziarah Asyura’ dan lain-lain hajat.

Cara-cara dan adab-adabnya.
  1. Berada dalam kebersihan (taharah) dan diutamakan mandi sebelum melakukannya.
  2. Ia boleh dilakukan di mana-mana jika tidak ada pilihan.
  3. Ia dilakukan selama 40 hari bagi mereka yang bernazar utk sesuatu hajat khusus.
  4. Solat dua rakaat ziarah selepasnya.
  5. Diutamakan membaca doa ‘Alqamah selepasnya jika ada waktu.
  6. Hendaklah dia menghadiahkan bacaannya kepada salah seorang para imam as atau seorang daripada anak-anak mereka.
  7. Untuk cepat mustajab, bacalah lebih dari satu kali sehari.
  8.  Mengulangi laknat  sebanyak 100 kali (jika ada waktu) pada doa” Allahumma l’an-hum jamii’an”.
  9.  Mengulangi  100 kali(jika ada waktu) pada doa “assalamu a'la al-Husain wa ‘ala ‘Ali bni al-Husain wa ‘ala  aulaad al-Husain wa ‘ala ashaab al-Husain. Sila rujuk Mafaatiih al-Jinaan bab  Ziarah Asyura’.
  10. Digalakkan untuk menbaca doa ziarah Asyura’ setiap hari dan bukan semestinya pada 10 muharram saja.
  11. 11. Doa ziarah Asyura’ boleh didapati dari Youtube (Dua Ashura)
3.Pahala ziarah Asyura'.
 Banyak riwayat tentang pahala menziarahi Imam al-Husain as. Antaranya menyamai satu kali haji mabrur, 50 kali haji mabrur, 100 kali haji mabrur, 1000 kali haji mabrur dan 100 ribu haji mabrur. Malah tidak ada siapa yang mengetahui kelebihan pahala menziarahinya dengan sebenar, kerana ia terpulang kepada pengetahuan pengunjung (zair) tentang Imam al-Husain dan hak-haknya.Justeru seorang itu hendaklah selalu menziarahinya.

4.Waktu disunatkan untuk menziarahinya.

a.Hari Asyura' (10 Muharram) dan malamnya.Riwayat daripada al-Sadiq as berkata: Sesiapa yang menziarahi al-Husain as pada hari Asyura', wajib syurga keatasnya (al-Tahzib,6 hlm. 51.Di dalam riwayat yang lain pula berkata:Sesungguhnya sesiapa yang ingin menunaikan hak Rasulullah, hak Amir al-Mukminin dan hak Fatimah as, maka hendaklah dia menziarahi al-Husain as pada hari Asyura' (al-Wasaa'il, 14, hlm.477).
b. Awal  bulan Rajab. Diriwayatkan: Siapa yang menziarahi makam al-Husain as pada awal hari Rajab, Allah akan mengampuni dosanya (al-Tahzib, 6, hlm.48).
c.Pada malam hari raya Aidilfitri, malam Aid al-Adha dan malam Nisfu Sya'ban. Abu Abdillah as berkata: Sesiapa yang menziarahi makam al-Husain as pada hari-hari tersebut Allah akan mengampuni dosa-dosanya yang lalu" (al-Tahzib 6, hlm 49).
d. Pada hari 'Arafah. Abu Abdillah as berkata: Sesiapa yang menziarahi makam al-Husain as pada hari Arafah, Allah akan menulis pahala baginya 100 ribu haji bersama al-Qaim as, 100 ribu Umrah bersama Rasulullah saw, kemerdekaan 100 ribu hamba...(al-Tahzib, 6, hlm.49)
e.Pada bulan Ramadhan.Daripada Abu Abdillah as berkata: Sesiapa yang menziarahi makam al-Husain as  pada bulan Ramadhan dan mati dijalan, maka dia tidak akan dihisab..." (al-Wasaa'il,14, hlm.479)
f. Pada hari Jumaat dan malamnya.Daripada Abu Abdillah as berkata: Sesiapa yang menziarahi makam al-Husain as pada setiap Jumaat, Allah akan mengampuni dosanya.(al-Wasaa'il 14, hlm.479)
g. Pada setiap hari dan jika mampu hendaklah dia menghafalnya pula.

5. Ziarah Arbaiin(40) hari kesyahidan Imam al-Husain as.
Ziarah Arba’iin berlakau pada setiap 20 Safar. Semoga ziarah Asyura’  dan ziarah Arba'iin dimakbulkan oleh Allah, ilahi amiin.Wassalam


Some Majalis Points (News)

Interesting Points gathered from the Majalis in  Muharram 2008
www.Hussainiat.com Mainly from Moulana Sadiq Hassan

1)Three things are 'Aafat' ( causes of destruction) for Islam ; a)Ignorant worshipper , b)Knowledgeable Alim without character /high morals & c)Oppressive rulers .
The ignorant worshipper permits Alims w/o character to function, who in turn give credibility to Rulers who oppress
2) Many momins praise the Ahlulbayt(as) as the Safinat Najat - 'Ark of Noah/Salvation ',  which is undoubtedly true .However the mistake that is made ,is that they do not 'board' the Ark of salvation but only eulogise it from afar .It can offer salvation provided you board it ie go wherever  it leads you to & not act as per your own will .     
3) Hazrat Abbas (as) was destined for Kerbala before birth itself . His entire objective of life was to defend Imam in Kerbala .However when Kerbala took place, he did not get the opportunity to fight at all .!
He is a monumental sign of Unconditional Obedience to Imam .At no point did he express dissatisfaction or opposing views ,despite his entire being created for a purpose, which was' apparently' not getting  fulfilled
4) Imam Ali(as) says in Nahjulbalagha that ...I do not understand whether you are my Imam or I am your Imam ,.You are not prepared to follow my orders/instructions & instead keep giving suggestions to me .This is the same case today when we give suggestions to Marja .
Imam Ali (as) says I am prepared to exchange 10 of my followers with 1 follower of Muwaviah ...because though they are on falsehood (batil) , they unconditionally follow the one whom they have accepted as leader.

In order to oppose the Prophet (saws) he was labelled as ' Magician' , 'Poet' &  'Madman' so that the Women ,Intellectuals & Children ,would keep away from him. Similar tactics are being used today to keep the people away from our leadership in form of Marjayiat. The Marja is the representative of our Imam (atfs) ,just as the Imams are representatives of Allah swt on earth .It is a foundation stone which is under systematic attack from adversaries who know its strength & use the ignorance/emotions of people

5)Imam Hussain (as) did not destroy 'Yazidiyat' ,since we see that the oppressive rulers have continued . However he unveiled it & made it clearly recognizable to all .The end of Yazidiiyat will take place when Imam(atfs) reappears .
We take the name of Imam, but ignorantly adopt the practices of Yazid of changing religion ie namaz , not following rules etc .
By inserting the third Shahadat in Tashahud ,we are in effect admitting that all our predecessors & Imams prayed Namaz in a wrong way ! .This is the trick of enemies .Belief in Imam Ali (as) is an Article of Faith & is the basis of ALL Ibadat BUT the Method of Ibadat will be shown by Imams /Marja .

6) Imamat is a' divine position' as per beliefs of the followers of Ahlulbayt . But 'Khilafat' is a man made position as per the Ahl e Sunnah .Hence non acceptance of a position created by Men ,cannot entitle anyone to label followers of Ahlulbayt (who dont accept Khilafat), as Kafir .  In contrast Ahlulbayt followers do not label other Muslims as kafir ,despite they not believing in a' divine position' as per their beliefs.         
7) Adalat /Justice of Allah swt ,is a v imp belief. The belief in a Just God is a foundation which also supports the belief in Imamat & Tawhid as well . If HE is Just then he is expected to send an error free messenger to guide
8) Yazid made a mistake by thinking that Kerbala was over on 10th Muharram . That led to his downfall .However we too make same mistake & think that Kerbala is over . Each one has to identify what is his kerbala in his time & place & act to defend Islam. .When we say' Fa ya laytani' in Ziarat we have to examine if it is lip service because we think Kerbala was over in 61 AH or do we believe that 'Every day is Ashura & everyday is Kerbala '& try to identify Kerbala here & now?
Fa ya Laytani (wish we were there ..) is only in the ziarat of the Companions & not of Imam or H Abbas or H Ali akber . We  say that we cannot emulate Imam , we can atleast emulate the companions of Imam? ,as they were all normal people non-masooms who rose to that level .We have to be sincere in saying ' wish we were there ' as we can be at same station today ,provided we play our role to defend Islam today as well.
We cannot be the 'Silent majority ' else the curse may also fall on us as we recite in ziarat waritha that 'Lanallah sami-at be zalek ' those who remained silent in the face of the atrocity/opression.We need to identify the Truth /falsehood today , current oppressors & be with/support the oppressed .

9)The women are as important in this fight as the men. Yazid thought that Women were weak & could not play any role .Saddam however killed Bintul Huda (sister of Ayt Baqr us sadr) mentioning this mistake of Yazid in kerbala.
 Imam Khomeini did not rise up when he had to go to exile to Najaf & people objected, but he mentioned ,that his army was yet in the laps of the mothers. When the enemy uses the tactic of Deceit, the women are more capable of identifying the same as Hajra identified the Shaitan ( & his trick despite pious appearance) when he came to her to prevent H Ibrahim from sacrificing his son.

10) The Family is the foundation of an Islamic Society. Our Mothers are important ,but providing a conducive environment to the 'mothers of our children' is equally important . Each member of the family has to understand & carefully balance each others rights ie Wife vs Mother etc Our societies are plagued with .Kerbala required the participation of the entire family too,Despite all advices recieved by Imam not to take his family ,Imam knew that the family had an iimportant role in the objective to be achieved. Similarly the Prophet started propogation only after he had Lady Khadija & Imam Ali(as)  to support him
11) Sura Mohammed Ch 47 :v 6 :says "If you will help Allah ,HE will help you " ie .HIS help appears conditional to we helping HIM !. We cannot expect 'No action' from us & for HIM to be obligated to respond to our prayers.
BUT How can WE help the ALL powerful ? The same Help ( hal min nasr) was also cried out by Imam Hussain (as) on Ashura after all were martyred .This call for help is a call to us the future generations to help him .This same 'help' is explained in ziarat waritha as Nasr a deenillah .. It means we have to help Islam & the cause of Islam in our own time /place ..             
12) Losing Imaan/Faith is worse than losing life .Protecting  Imaan of  our children is also v important. Hujr ibn hadi wished his son to be killed in front of him ,before his own death, which is against human nature because he was concerned that his son would not turn away from imaan for fear of his life & follow Muwaviah
13) Weapons used -Recall the Trick of aising quran on spears not for love of quran but as a trick in battle of sifeen .This caused discord in the army of Imam ali(as) ,.due to emotions. Simpleton of Abu musa ashari was also tricked. Similar tricks were also used in Kerbala,giving reference of relation etc .. Also used today ..emotions are used to say that Ulamaa Marja are not in favor of fazilat of Ahlulbayt/Azadari etc This is the trick of the enemy. Today people are making fun of Namaz so as to prove that u love Ahlulbayt ! where as Ahlulbayt & Namaz are one non seperable. Imam Sajjad (as)was the best Azadar as well as the best Abid at teh SAME time.
14) Imam Ali (as ) sometimes forgives his own enemy, but does not forgive enemy of Allah swt the form of Nusairi.. If a person claims to be a lover of Imam but his actual purpose is to misguide/ take us away from our leaders ...then we have to recognise & be alert /careful.

15)Qiyas : Satan used his own faulty logic over HIS command to disobey HIM . Fire is superior to clay ! .We need to be careful in Islamic laws & do not conclude based on own logic .This is a science best left to Mujtahids .Eg of Qiyas  If women are required to make up fasts missed they should also be required to make up the salat missed since salat comes before fasting & is more important !
However IF we have been informed clearly of the REASONS for the rules THEN it is possible to make deductions / extensions Eg Alcohol is haram as it causes Intoxication .Hence All things which cause intoxication are Haram

16) We are warned, through a dream of Jabir al Ansari , of a piece of cloth being torn in parts. The Prophet explained this dream that ,at the end of time, people will take only parts of Islam to suit themselves, which will benefit no one. This will also give a bad image to Islam like a torn cloth. We need to accept the whole of Islam with all its rules & not only the parts that suit us/ our method of thinking, irrespective of our ability to understand the complete reasons/logic for the rules. 

1 7)Over Confidence . “ Its not us” The danger of losing faith 
Our present status is no guarantee that we will continue to be on the right path & not deviate at times of crucial tests. Even the love, recognition of the Ahlul bayt, piety & worship, may not be sufficient to ensure that we become his followers. There are 2 events given below which are vivid examples: 
a) Azazeel: There was a cry in the skies that one of the pious worshippers would be one of the most cursed ones. All the creatures, at all stations were worried that it could be them & went to the creation, next higher in station, to seek his intercession by prayer. Only Azazeel was confident & prayed for all, except himself & as a result was the cursed Satan.! 
 b) Balam e baoor He had a high status & his duas were accepted instantly .He was asked to pray for victory against Prophet Musa (as), which he finally attempted, due to the riches offered to him.  
We easily condemn the people mentioned in Sura Juma, who left the Prophet in prayer for entertainment & business deals. We need to apply it to ourselves first & check if we too have similar habits of giving priority to these matters over Islam. 
We are required to continually recite “Ihdinis siratal Mustaqim” i.e. keep us on the right path, at least 17 times in a day, because there is a danger of deviating & being misled.

18) Prophet Musa (as) once asked HIM for personal advice & Allah advised the ummat as follows
Take these 4 advices:-
a) Dont be worried about Rizq (Sustenance ) Until, you believe that MY treasures are endless
b) Dont find faults with others ,unless you are sure all your faults are known to you & forgiven
c) Dont be negligent of Shaitan for even one second as he can always decieve you at any time,until you are sure he is dead
d) Forgive others who have oppressed /harmed you if you want ME to forgive you

19The Prophet (saws) said that the BEST of Aamal is the Intizar of Faraj ie Waiting for Imam Mehdi(atfs) .This active waiting, not passive waiting includes ALL the obligations & aamal See Waiting our role here
We know from signs that the end of times is near .In case Imam returns & knocks at our door . ..Are we prepared to allow him to enter immediately ? or will we have to ask him to wait ..until we get rid of all those things from the house which we are not supposed to keep ..?

20.Ghadir was an announcement of 'Wilayat' (leadership / succession) not of 'Friendship or love' of Imam as claimed by some brothers,hence avoiding the need to accept him as a leader to be followed.There are many other occasions where announcement of love / friendship was made by prophet saws . though. Hence it is incumbent upon th e followers of Ahlulbayt to follow & accept the leaders commands & not limit themselves to expressing love fo r Imam.

21 Sports & Internet are assumed to be good activities for our children ,but today these mediums themselves are a potent source of promoting vice .The improper women dress in sports & all kinds of bad material on internet are problems to be aware , hence this too needs supervision & we cannot leave our children exposed to these w/o guidance

22.Concern & Awareness of what is happening across the world to Muslims & Momins is needed. The Prophet(as)  has said that Each day a muslim wakes up & is not concerned about the affairs of other muslims is not a muslim !.Each day one has to evaluate if he has/can do something for Islam/Muslims. Instead we find that Muslims cheat each other & do not hesitate to put a dagger in another muslims back for ones own benefit.

ARTICLES & RESOURCES on Muharram, Kerbala & Imam Hussain (as)

Muharram, Kerbala & Imam Hussain (as)           
Inform others-use this Article esp for non muslims
Think not of those who are slain in God's way as dead. Nay, they are living, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord (Qur'an 3:169)
Imam Hussain was the grandson of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, through his daughter, Lady Fatima and son-in-law, Imam Ali, peace be upon them all.  
In less than half a day on the 10th of Muharram ( Ashura)  in the year 680 A.D. (61 A.H.), on the hot desert sands of Karbala in Iraq, Imam Hussain(as), and 72 of his family members, friends and followers, including his 6 month old infant son, were martyred under most gruesome circumstances. These included His brother Hazrat Abbas (as) the standard bearer, His young 18 yr old son Ali Akber & his 4 year old daughter Sakina who died while in prison in Damascus. The Oppressive ruler; Yazid son of Mu'awiya son of Abu Sufiyan & his very large army of over 30,000 men, committed these heinous crimes against the small group which included the household of the Prophet. Lady Zainub (sister of Imam Hussain) sister of Imam Hussain also played a key role especially subsequent to the battle to inform people of the truth.
The group, including the six-month infant Ali Asgar, was without food and water for 3 days before their martyrdom. Ali Asgar was martyred thirsty in his father's arms when his tender throat was pierced by a three-pointed poisoned arrow, while his father implored the tyrants to allow water to the infant, after all his other companions were martyred at their hands.
Imam Hussain resolved to defend his thirsty entourage from the killer army’s onslaught, rather than submit to their forcible extraction of allegiance to a criminal despotic regime which used the  name of Islam. He was going to stand to his principleto defend True Islam, even though he might be the last man standing with no support, no help 
The martyrs were beheaded & their heads were put on spears, while their corpses were trampled upon and left unburied. The ordeal did not stop at this as the women and children in the Imam's entourage were held captives and tortured while being led on an arduous journey to Damascus to be paraded and later imprisoned there for over a year. The only male survivor was Imam Zainul Abideen (as) son of Imam Hussain (as) who was ill at that time, yet chained & repeatedly beaten. He subsequently wrote a 'Treatise on Rights' & a monumental prayer book called Sahifa Kamila( see www.Duas.org)
In the history of Islam, alHusayn ibn 'Ali, the martyr of Karbala, wrote one of the most brilliant chapters; a chapter which still and after more than fourteen centuries, echoes in the minds and hearts of Muslims everywhere. It is remarked by a modern Muslim writer that with every Karbala Islam is renewed.
Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) considered the greatest British historian of his time. Wrote “In a distant age and climate the tragic scene of the death of Hussein will awaken the sympathy of the coldest reader."  [The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, London, 1911, volume 5, pp. 391-2] 
Each year during the first Islamic month of Moharram and upto 40 days (Arbaeen) thereafter, mourning sessions are held  all over the world, wherein the trials and tribulations of these martyrs are recounted, mourned and lamented, while expounding the values and teachings upheld by them. These practices are an institution in them and are being continuously held for the past 14 centuries.       
The Martyrdom is unique and unparalleled in a number of ways, the most obvious of all being its sacrifices from - men, women and children of all age groups, every conceivable human relationship, rich and poor, noblemen and slaves, military commanders and commoners, and individuals coming from different specters of human society.
Imam Hussain(as), his family and friends sacrificed everything ( life ,wealth, family honor)  that they had ,in their struggle against tyranny and despotism and for upholding the human values of truth, justice and liberty of thought, word and deed. Their struggle was aimed at the ultimate goal of awakening human beings of all times to uplift the human spirit beyond short-sighted materialistic pursuits, and establish a just and equitable order in society. 
Imam Hussain wrote a will and handed it over to his brother Muhammad Hanafiyyah.  The will read, ‘’I have not risen against Yazid in order to create corruption or discord, nor to elevate myself in the eyes of the people, nor to oppress.’’ Innama kharajtu litalabil islahi fi ummati jaddi wa abi’’ I have only risen to rectify, to reform the affairs of the Ummah of my grandfather and of my father. ‘’Uridu ‘an aamura bil ma’ruf wa anha ‘anil munkar.’’ I want to invite people towards good and forbid them from evil.’’  
 Yazid the oppressive ruler openly indulged in sinful activities like drinking, womanizing, terrorizing /killing innocent people, making fun of scholars etc & yet claimed to be rightful successor /leader of Islam & the Muslim ummah. The silent majority scared and terrified by the overflowing military might and power, did nothing about this.

Yazid demanded that Imam Hussain (as) pay allegiance (bay'aa) to him. When asked to give bay’aa to Yazid, Imam Hussain said, ‘’ We are the household of the prophet hood, the source of messengership, the descending place of the angels, through us Allah had begun showering His favours, whereas Yazid is a sinful person, a drunkard, the killer of innocent people and one who openly indulges in sinful acts‘Mithli la yubayi’u mithlah’A person like me can never do bay’aa(pay allegiance) to a person like him (Yazid).   I look upon death as but the felicity of martyrdom and I regard life among oppressors and transgressors as nothing but agony and torture.  By God I will never give you my hand like a man who has been defeated; nor will I flee like a slave.’’
He rejected the rule of a man who was generally agreed not to have been fit to rule. In this sense he was a revolutionary, as indeed he is now regarded by contemporary writers.
The event is of great significance because of what this martyrdom meant for the religion of Islam in exposing the wrong and upholding the right through the sharp contrast between him and his followers on the one hand and his antagonists on the other.
 Mahatma Gandhi in 1924 writing in ‘Young India’’ about the battle of Karbala said among other things ‘’ I wanted to know the best of the life of one who holds today an undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind….the utter self-effacement of Hussain, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission to save Islam.’
 The Martyrdom has also prompted a vast body of literature in a multitude of languages all over the world, a phenomenon that continues to this day. Outstanding examples of this are the elegies written by Mir Anis, one of which holds the world record for the longest verse for the past two centuries.   
The largest gathering on the face of the earth since time began now occurs in Karbala in Iraq on Arbaeen ( 20 safar) where over 10 million pilgrims visit the shrine.  
 Imam Hussain embodied in himself magnificent qualities - wisdom, knowledge, leadership, patience, humility, forbearance and total submission to the Almighty, to name a few - and his life is a source of inspiration and a role model for all generations to condemn all forms of oppression & Injustice. 
To know more visit www.al-islam.org      Use these-> -Poster 1  |  Poster 2  | Posters3 zip

Muharram    Message from www.world-federation.org
The ‘new year’ in Islam is marked in a way which perhaps no other nation or community marks their own ‘new year’. In fact most, if not all civilizations, take this as a time of happiness and joy in which the people party and celebrate, committing sins most of the time. However in Islam, and particularly the school of the Ahlul Bayt, the new year is one which begins with grief and sorrow and a call to stamp out corruption, evil and sin – not to indulge in it! It is a time in which we not only call for the eradication of all forms of outward tyranny by whoever is enacting it over ANY oppressed individuals, but it is also a time to purge the inner tyranny which our own lower passions and desires pull us towards.
This belief is best seen in the beautiful supplication which the Prophet used to recite when he saw the new moon of Muharram, a portion of which reads: “O’ Allah! You are the Pre-Existing Lord and this is a new year so then in this (new year), I ask you for protection from the Satan and strength against this lower soul which pulls towards evil and that you make me busy with that which makes me closer to You, O’ the Noble … O’ our Lord! Do not divert our hearts after You have guided us and grant us, from Yourself, mercy. Surely You are The Granter.”
The events which put the Ashura movement in motion stemmed from these two factors – the outward Satan – the likes of Muawiyah, Yazid and the previous “caliphs” who came before them who laid the groundwork for the destruction of Islam, and the inner passions and desires which also affect us today. Without doubt, both of these have always worked in tandem with one another. It is the small instigation and whisper of Satan which puts the wheels of the inner desires in motion – giving them the lubrication and energy to run on their own.
With the politics and climate of the world changing as fast as they are, this year, it becomes ever important for those who are participating in the Majaalis of Muharram to ensure that the message of Kerbala is not relegated to the year 61 AH. Yes, Imam Husain died in the plains of Kerbala on the 10th of Muharram, however, he ensured that his message was not limited to his time. When he was proceeding forth, he continuously reminded us that his mission was timeless and borderless. He sought to ensure that we too would be ‘Husaini’ in our outlook and efforts and that we would reject any “Yazidi” forces. For this reason perhaps, he gave Muhammad al-Hanafiyyah an important testament which to this day, remains the blueprint for his mission, and should also form the plan of our life. The Imam stated, “Now know that surely the aim of my stand is not inspired by vain exultation, nor is it for the quest of kingdom. It is not to cause dissension, nor to spread corruption. It is also not for the goal to wrong anybody unjustly. Rather, the purpose of my stand is the reformation the Ummah (nation) of my grandfather. I only intend to enjoin good and forbid evil (and in doing so), emulate my grandfather, the Messenger of Allah and my father Ali ibn Abu Talib.”
He further spoke on this Divine movement and once again, generalized his struggle, a hint for us, by saying that, “The one who sees a tyrant leader making unlawful as lawful; violating the pledge (of God); opposing the Sunnah of the Prophet; ruling on the servant of Allah with sins and oppression, and by his words and actions does not oppose the leader and does not strive to reform the state of affairs, then it behooves Allah to hurl him into Hell along with that ‘leader’.”
This Muharram, if anything, we need to keep the movement of Abi Abdillah in mind and heart and make a conscious decision to make a change in our lives and work towards a reformation within our own hearts and beliefs. Islam is in no need for reform – there is no ‘trouble with Islam’ as some ‘enlightened’ people will have us believe. Rather, it is the followers who need to heed the lesson learnt through Kerbala and the victory of truth over falsehood – and apply it to our lives and reform ourselves.

Hussein (A): The End of a Tragedy or the Beginning of an Uprising?
When certain seasons of worship come around like the months of Ramadan and Muharram, it is very important that we re-evaluate ourselves to see what blessings we have gotten from them. Were they in proportion with the power of the season? Have we preserved these blessings? How can we best invest these blessings after the season is over? Many people are pleased with the condition they have at the time, without worrying about what will come after the season. The Devil is eager to take away whatever the believer has earned at the first possible opportunity. Are we cautious about that?

The movement of Imam Hussein (A) was a method for dealing with one’s own soul and with others, for he wanted to teach us a lesson about servitude at every stage of his blessed movement. We see him depart from the safety of the Divine Kaaba when he saw that it would please his Lord. We see him exposing his family to capture when he saw that his Lord willed for them to be captured. He exposed himself to the greatest forms of insult and torture when he saw that his Lord willed for him to be killed. His sister Zainab summarized all of these lessons when she confronted the oppressor of her era saying: I didn’t see anything but it was beautiful. God willed for this group of people to be killed, so they came out to be killed, and God will gather you and them together to be judged. So wait and see who will be victorious on that day!

The principle of dialogue through speaking is the well-known method of explaining the messages of the Prophets (A), and this is what was referred to when Almighty God said, {And each nation had its own warner.} But the corruption of the leadership sometimes reaches the point where warning and explanation are not sufficient to put an end to the greatest falsehood: the corruption of one who corrupts the entire nation by his actions – because the people follow the religion of their leaders. So it would be necessary to establish a movement beyond explanation and dialogue, an unusual movement in which blood is sacrificed. This movement would awaken the nation from its depths, to see the corruption of the leader’s soul after it had neglected the corruption of the leader’s deeds! And thus the rule of the Umayyads collapsed shortly after the killing of Hussein (A). His revolution was considered the source of all revolutions which arose throughout the nation which hadn’t been seen before the killing of Chief of Martyrs (A).

We notice this year and every year the spread of the majlis of Imam Hussein (A) all over the world. This revives our sense of hope that there is still a heart beating in the body of this nation, a heart which draws its blood from the pure blood that was spilt at Kerbala. All of that is by the blessing of the commemoration of one of the Imams from the chain of the Holy Family of the Prophet (A), so how many more blessings would there be if the last in this chain were present? We can imagine how much the hearts which thirst for justice would welcome this Imam after they lost hope in all the theories which promised to bring human happiness.

One of the lessons of Kerbala is connecting between the highest degree of chastity and the defense of the religion by whatever power the individual is given. Thus we see Zainab (A) who observed hijab and shyness like no one else. Ali (A) would even try to keep her shadow from the view of outsiders by extinguishing or turning down the lights when she was visiting the grave of her grandfather the Holy Prophet (S). However when it came time, she was the tongue speaking in the name of the sacred law even in the presence of the Imam of her time, Ali ibn al-Hussein al-Sajjad (A). There is a saying that Islam owes its existence to Muhammed but its preservation to Hussein. While this is correct, we could also say that the origin of the reform movement was Hussein, while its preservation belongs to Zainab.

There is a great likeness between Ibrahim (A) the beloved friend of God and Hussein (A) the sacrifice of God. God made the hearts of the people incline towards both of them. What we notice amongst those who gather for the remembrance of Hussein (A) and establish his mourning is something truly amazing! Just as we see people who don’t follow the sacred law throughout the year attracted to perform the Hajj, we see the same group showing a loyalty towards Hussein (A) which is not in proportion to their nature. This shows us that there is divine control over the hearts, and it appears that the movement during these two seasons of Hajj and Muharram are an answer to the prayer of Ibrahim (A). The reason for loving the family of the Prophet (A) in their valley of martyrdom is no less than the reason for loving the family of Ibrahim (A) in their valley of barrenness!

Whatever we have done during the days of Muharram is a divine lesson in which God tests us for the heat of love for Hussein (A). The Holy Prophet (S) made it one of the tests of true faith. At the same time it is a claim against us, because after we get these divine blessings the judgement against us is swifter than if we hadn’t participated in them. The one who receives these blessings is not like the one who does not, and the one who has knowledge is not like the one who is ignorant. Is it enough to emerge from this season with tears and crying without seeing an important change in our life?!

One of the important lessons of Ashura is to beware of coming to a bad ending in our lives. Some of the companions of Ali (A) participated in killing Imam Hussein. There are many people like this in history who have been cursed by the Imams and who were once their companions! All of us have to beware of the hidden seeds of major corruption, especially in the area of our beliefs, as one of the signs of the end of time is mental corruption. Some of the causes of this are committing major sins, companionship with corrupt people, profiting from what is forbidden, taking the material world over religion, finding pleasure in the fancy words which the Devil distributes to his friends, as the Holy Qur’an says, {The devils inspire their followers to argue with you.}

Ashura, an eternal saga of conviction and courage
By Hedieh Ghavidel, www.Press TV.com
Many westerners do not understand why it is that Shia Muslims mourn the martyred Imam Hussein as though the event did not occur a thousand years ago but as if it happened as recently as yesterday. 

The 10th day of Muharram, Ashura, marks the martyrdom of the third Shia Imam, Hussein ibn Ali, in the year 680 CE/ 61 AH.

Shias beat their chests, cry and mourn, because Ashura is a sad, sad story. It is a story of cruelty, loss and grief; a story of love, faith and courage.

Hussein (PBUH), the son of the first Shia Imam and the grandson of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), along with 72 of his faithful companions, fought the army of the Umayyad caliph Yazid bin Muawiyah who had no reverence for the Ahl al-Bayt (the Infallible progeny of the Prophet) and did not adhere to Islamic values.

One needs only envision the events leading to and of that painful day and it will be a mystery no more.The heat and thirst have drained the children, their questioning gazes asking what their lips dare not speak for fear of embarrassing the Imam, who cannot quench their thirst as the enemy has ruthlessly prevented man, women and child from the water of life.

The Imam's brother Abbas volunteers to bring water for the camp. He advances toward the river Euphrates to fill his water sack, his fingers touching the cool surface of the water. He does not drink although every fiber in his being cries out to him to relive his thirst.

The enemy attacks and Abbas loses an arm. He picks up the water sack with his remaining limb and when that is severed he picks it up with his teeth but he is knocked out of the saddle and a blow to his head leaves him with no power to move. He calls to the Imam, 'Brother, where are you?'
The Imam fends off the enemy and rushes to his brother's side, holding Abbas, who has been blinded, in his arms until he draws his last breath.

The baby Ali has no strength left to cry and no more water left in his body for tears. The Imam decides to reason with the enemy; surely they will understand that a father cannot watch his child wither away in front of his eyes and do nothing; surely they will be moved upon seeing the six-month-old Ali's condition.

Imam Hussein faces his enemies and shows them Ali, telling them he doesn't seek water for himself but for the children. He tries to persuade them, but to no avail; hostility radiates in their every response. The sound of an arrow pierces the air and there is a shower of crimson rain.The baby's body shakes no more with dry sobs. The Imam looks down and sees the arrow in the infant's throat. Ali needs water no more. The Imam fills his hand with the lifeblood of his son and throws it to the skies, crying 'Allah, please accept this small sacrifice from me.'

How much pain can one person bear? How much loss can a person tolerate?

Imam Hussein's sister Zaynab has to be calm so as not to worry the Imam. She must conceal her anguish and give strength to all the women in the camp who look up to her. If she breaks down, so will they.

Instead, she displays strength, and carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, never showing the slightest hint of weakness.

She has watched the torn bodies of her sons brought in one by one, her limbless brothers one after the other, and not a word of complaint has escaped her lips. She has been the same calm Zaynab whom everyone turns to in their moments of despair.

When the grief is too hard to bear, she only says, 'The will of Allah is my will.'
She is atop the hillock overlooking the battlefield now, watching her pillar of strength, her beloved brother, racing toward his destiny of martyrdom as was prophesied so many years ago.

She follows her brother with her eyes, feeling the pain of every sword blow he receives. It is almost too much to take and she drops to the ground only to stand tall again.

He races toward the enemy and her heart races after him.

Her legs again give way beneath her when she sees five-year-old Abdullah, who has slipped out of his mother's grasp, racing toward the battlefield. The little boy is running to his uncle, trying to make his attackers stop delivering blows.

His childlike logic tells him he will be able to overpower the assailants and make them leave his uncle alone. Abdullah reaches his uncle and tries to protect his body with his small hands, but blades do not understand reason.

Blood is gushing from the little boy's severed hand and he starts crying but is not willing to abandon his uncle. The Imam is near the end and has little strength left to comfort Abdullah.

'It's alright, little one…we will join your father and mine soon...soon we will be free,' he consoles the terrified child.

The attacking horde, not satisfied with shedding the blood of the Imam, raze the camp of defenseless women and children, set fire to tents, flog the petrified survivors and loot what they can lay their hands on.

The children run across the thorn-covered sand with nowhere to escape and no one to turn to. Possessing not a whiff of humanity, the savages revel in the havoc they have created.The Ahl al-Bayt's suffering and agony is not yet over, as they will be forced to walk barefoot to Damascus. The camp, which has lost all, is forced to walk behind as the decapitated heads of their fathers, brothers and husbands precede them on spearheads.

One need not be Shia or Muslim to be moved by the horrific incidents of those sorrowful days.

The tragedy of Ashura will leave a permanent mark on the soul of any free and compassionate spirit, regardless of religion or race.