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Dhul Hijja

Fazilat (Merit) of reciting the Qaza of Namaz-e-Shab

Fazilat (Merit) of reciting the Qaza of Namaz-e-Shab 

If one misses the Namaz-e-Shab one can perform its Qaza during the day. If one has missed Namaz-e-Shab there is great merit in performing its Qaza. Thus there is a tradition from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) in Tafseer Ali Ibne Ibrahim Qummi that a person said to Imam (a.s.): May I be sacrificed on you, sometimes I miss Namaz-e-Shab for one, two or three months and I perform it during the day, is such a thing allowed?

Imam (a.s.) said: By Allah! This action is the cause of the vision of your eyes. And he repeated this sentence thrice.

Ishaq bin Ammar has related from Imam Sadiq (a.s.) that he quoted his father who quoted the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) that when a person performs the Qaza of Namaz-e-Shab the Almighty Allah expresses pride before the Angels and says; O Angels! See he is performing the Qaza of that which I have not made obligatory on him. Be witness that I have given him salvation. (Beharul Anwaar Vol. 87 Pg. 202)

If while one is offering the Namaz-e-Shab and the dawn appears, for example the dawn has appeared after performing four rakats one should perform the rest of the prayer without recommended rituals. However if one has not prayed four rakats, one should complete the two rakats, then offer two rakats of the Nafila of the Morning Prayer, then two rakats obligatory Morning Prayer, and after this he should recite the Qaza of the rest of the Namaz-e-Shab. Or if he has not even begun reciting the Namaz-e-Shab and the dawn has arrived one should recite two rakats of Nafila of the Morning Prayer and then two rakats of Obligatory Morning Prayer. And after the Morning Prayer he should recite the Qaza of Namaz-e-Shab.

If one offers the Namaz-e-Shab after the Morning Azan and before Sunrise one must neither recite it with the intention of Qaza nor the intention of Adaa (in time), rather one should recite it with the intention of 'whatever is applicable'.

It means that one should make an intention that one is praying the Namaz-e-Shab for gaining the proximity to Allah. (Qurbatan Elallah).

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